Copyright © 2005, 2024 by Eugene Allen Walker. All rights reserved.
Home Richard1 Walker Samuel1 Walker Bedfordshire to Australia Branch Northamptonshire to New Zealand Branch Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | IndexMattakat George (1904-1993) . . . NarrativeMatthews Louisa L. (1815-1894) . . . NarrativeMattocks Henry ( - ) . . . NarrativeMay Winifred Vincent (1916-2002) . . . NarrativeMayfield Lydia ( - ) . . . NarrativeMayhew Cornelia ( -1926) . . . NarrativeMaynard Lyman A. ( - ) . . . NarrativeMcAllister Jesse (1824-1880) . . . NarrativeMcArthur Rhoda (1832- ) . . . NarrativeMcCloy Joseph ( - ) . . . NarrativeMcCready Donald William Sr (1902- ) . . . NarrativeMcCue Howard (1900- ) . . . NarrativeMcDaniel Lily (1867- ) . . . NarrativeMcDowell E. A. ( - ) . . . NarrativeMcEachern Mollie (1868-1875) . . . NarrativeMcGahan Viola Katherine (1889-1974) . . . NarrativeMcGoey Margaret Ann (1872-1955) . . . NarrativeMcGreach Alice ( - ) . . . NarrativeMcGuire Gladys Margaret (1897-1991) . . . NarrativeMcGunnegle Elizabeth Starr (1836-1888) . . . NarrativeMcIntosh Betsy (1779-1849) . . . NarrativeMcKelips Kate (1854- ) . . . NarrativeMcKinney Henry (1825-1866) . . . NarrativeMcLaughlin Anna Marian ( - ) . . . NarrativeMcLeod Daniel (1850- ) . . . NarrativeMcManus Adelaide (1840- ) . . . NarrativeMcMichael Ada ( - ) . . . NarrativeMcMillan Andrew (1803- ) . . . NarrativeMcNeal Sarah (Sally) ( - ) . . . NarrativeMcPherson Mary Frances ( - ) . . . NarrativeMcReady Mary (1879- ) . . . NarrativeMcWilliams Henry G. ( - ) . . . NarrativeMead Josephine (1854- ) . . . NarrativeMeek Nancy Ann (1854- ) . . . NarrativeMeggot Harry (1872- ) . . . NarrativeMellen Albert Henry (1884- ) . . . NarrativeMelville Thomas ( - ) . . . NarrativeMerithew Geneva M. (1840-1904) . . . NarrativeMerrette Rose (1856-1913) . . . NarrativeMerrill Ann (1856- ) . . . NarrativeMerriman Mary (1697-1738) . . . NarrativeMerrow Caroline (1906-1906) . . . NarrativeMerry Annie West (1875- ) . . . NarrativeMeserve Rita May Blanche (1886-1947) . . . NarrativeMettz Dorothy Mercedes (1906-1987) . . . NarrativeMews Mattie (1858- ) . . . NarrativeMickey Cyrus P. (1889- ) . . . NarrativeMiller Amy G. ( - ) . . . NarrativeMills Edward E. Jr. (1870- ) . . . NarrativeMinard Ralph Waldo ( - ) . . . NarrativeMiner Eunice (1806-1809) . . . NarrativeMinett ( - ) . . . NarrativeMinker Grace Alle ( - ) . . . NarrativeMinor Myrtle Blossom (1871-1958) . . . NarrativeMirick Dr. Horatio Gates (1833- ) . . . NarrativeMitchell Damarista ( - ) . . . NarrativeMoffit James W. ( - ) . . . NarrativeMonier John W. ( - ) . . . NarrativeMonminnie Louise E. ( - ) . . . NarrativeMonroe Abbie L. (1870-1879) . . . NarrativeMontague Rulon Lamar (1912-1986) . . . NarrativeMontgomery Cheney Luey (1892-1973) . . . NarrativeMoody Mary Jane ( - ) . . . NarrativeMoor Victoria Josephine (1846-1885) . . . NarrativeMoore Alice (1845-1923) . . . NarrativeMorehouse Alice M. (1855-1929) . . . NarrativeMorey Jessie Elizabeth (1869-1960) . . . NarrativeMorgan Alice ( - ) . . . NarrativeMorrill Asa H. ( - ) . . . NarrativeMorris ( - ) . . . NarrativeMorrison Eliza J. ( - ) . . . NarrativeMorrow John Sinclair (1856- ) . . . NarrativeMorse Charles Walker (1823- ) . . . NarrativeMorton Emma W. (1857- ) . . . NarrativeMosbarger Eliza Jane (1842-1854) . . . NarrativeMosely John O. Jr ( - ) . . . NarrativeMoulton Freeborn (1717-1792) . . . NarrativeMounts Harry W. (1884-1959) . . . NarrativeMower Adelaide W. (1871- ) . . . NarrativeMoyer Florence Amelia (1859- ) . . . NarrativeMuir Elsie ( - ) . . . NarrativeMunsell Ida Adella (1865- ) . . . NarrativeMurray Emily Sylvia (1908-1991) . . . NarrativeMuzzy Sarah (1771-1801) . . . NarrativeMyers Alabel B. (1888- ) . . . NarrativeMyers-McGouch. Eliza A. ( - ) . . . NarrativeMyrick Doff B. (1877- ) . . . NarrativeNash Albert Gorse (1815-1881) . . . NarrativeNay Elizabeth (1778- ) . . . NarrativeNeedham Mattie Mae (1884-1938) . . . NarrativeNeese Levi ( - ) . . . NarrativeNeighbors Anthaline Cinderella (1855-1938) . . . NarrativeNelson Abner Harley (1909-1990) . . . NarrativeNewcomb Marie Gregory (1840- ) . . . NarrativeNewell Addie (1862- ) . . . NarrativeNewman Bertie (1885- ) . . . NarrativeNewton Bazaleel Jr. ( - ) . . . NarrativeNibarger John Jr. (1812- ) . . . NarrativeNichols Cordelia (1825-1897) . . . NarrativeNickerson Delia ( - ) . . . NarrativeNickles Christiana (1844- ) . . . NarrativeNimmacks Eleanor ( - ) . . . NarrativeNims Emogene (1849-1921) . . . NarrativeNixon Madora Louisa (1855-1892) . . . NarrativeNoakes Ann Amanda (1880-1880) . . . NarrativeNoble Marguerite E. (1876-1920) . . . NarrativeNorcross Fred C. (1872- ) . . . NarrativeNorris Hulda B. (1826-1900) . . . NarrativeNorth Mary Alice (1857-1880) . . . NarrativeNorthrop Mary Lewis (1828-1915) . . . NarrativeNorton George Cox (1833-1901) . . . NarrativeNoyes Zoe A. M. (1842- ) . . . NarrativeNunn Herbert W. (1862- ) . . . NarrativeNursey Elizabeth ( - ) . . . NarrativeNutt Arthur C. ( - ) . . . NarrativeNutter Walter Charles (1883-1981) . . . NarrativeNye Rev. George , D. D., LL. D (1825-1915) . . . NarrativeOak Abraham ( - ) . . . NarrativeOakes Miranda ( -1913) . . . NarrativeOakley Lillie Ann ( - ) . . . NarrativeO'Blennis Dulcey Alice (1865-1922) . . . NarrativeO'Brien Harriet (1826- ) . . . NarrativeOldfield James (1824- ) . . . NarrativeOlds Albert H. (1870- ) . . . NarrativeOliver Harriet C. ( -1878) . . . NarrativeOlsdotter Karolina (1858- ) . . . NarrativeO'Nan Elizabeth Anne (1836-1913) . . . Narrative, NarrativeOrmsby Lillian Marian (1915-1991) . . . NarrativeOrrok Mary Tower (1872- ) . . . NarrativeOsborn Mary (1757-1809) . . . NarrativeOsborne ( - ) . . . NarrativeOsgood Abby H. (1826- ) . . . NarrativeO'Sullivan Helen ( - ) . . . NarrativeOverlock Hannah E. (1854-1920) . . . NarrativeOwen Evelyn Jeannette (1903- ) . . . NarrativePace Jacqueline Lee (1918-1977) . . . NarrativePackard ( - ) . . . NarrativePage Amelia (1842- ) . . . NarrativePaine Gratia Ann (1838- ) . . . NarrativePalmer Abiel Chandler (1816- ) . . . NarrativeParker Abigail ( - ) . . . NarrativeParkhurst Julia A. ( - ) . . . NarrativeParks Susan M. (1836- ) . . . NarrativeParsons Frank DeWitt (1854- ) . . . NarrativePatch Lorinda A. (1834- ) . . . NarrativePatrick Lucille ( - ) . . . NarrativePatten Augusta Virginia (1838- ) . . . NarrativePatterson Amelia ( - ) . . . NarrativePavy Susannah (1815-1892) . . . NarrativePayne Lucy S. (1810-1882) . . . NarrativePeacock Harry Ellis (1882-1915) . . . NarrativePearman Laura A. (1873- ) . . . NarrativePearson Ebenezer ( - ) . . . NarrativePearsons Bridget ( - ) . . . NarrativePease Adeline L. (1806- ) . . . NarrativePeaslee Hannah ( - ) . . . NarrativePeberdy Elizabeth (1815- ) . . . NarrativePeck David (1813- ) . . . NarrativePeebles Mary M. (1837- ) . . . NarrativePeirce Esther ( - ) . . . NarrativePelletier Helene (1887-1963) . . . NarrativePenfield Emily (1816-1893) . . . NarrativePenick Marvin Francis (1909- ) . . . NarrativePenley Rebecca (1815-1848) . . . NarrativePenny Lizzie B. (1895-1985) . . . NarrativePerkins Charles H. (1855-1911) . . . NarrativePerley Benjamin Dudley (1835-1854) . . . NarrativePerrin Louisa (1839-1912) . . . NarrativePerry Abby Gilman ( - ) . . . NarrativePeters Elizabeth (1716- ) . . . NarrativePeterson Charlie ( - ) . . . NarrativePetrillo Delaphine Teresa (1918-1997) . . . NarrativePettit Miriam E. (1839- ) . . . NarrativePettygrove Lavicia ( - ) . . . NarrativePhelps Elizabeth (1763- ) . . . NarrativePhelps. Asa S. ( - ) . . . NarrativePhilley Daniel Smith (1848- ) . . . NarrativePhillips (1883- ) . . . NarrativePickering Charles Walker (1838- ) . . . NarrativePickford Amelia ( - ) . . . NarrativePicott Julia Ellen (1869- ) . . . NarrativePierce Afton Elizabeth (1945-1977) . . . NarrativePillsbury Lois C. ( - ) . . . NarrativePingree Caroline ( - ) . . . NarrativePinney Charles Durand (1902- ) . . . NarrativePiper Edgar R. (1873- ) . . . NarrativePitney Lucy Roberts ( - ) . . . NarrativePitt John Esq. ( - ) . . . NarrativePitts Rachel (1755-1829) . . . NarrativePlasterage Frank (1853- ) . . . NarrativePlatz Nancy (1847- ) . . . NarrativePlimpton Emily Evelina (1870- ) . . . NarrativePlummer Arthur J. ( - ) . . . NarrativePlympton Ebenezer (1756-1834) . . . NarrativePollard Benjamin (1741- ) . . . NarrativePomeroy Abigail Wheeler (1806-1843) . . . NarrativePooler Rosa May (1859- ) . . . NarrativePoor Albia F. (1856-1898) . . . NarrativePope Sophia J. ( - ) . . . NarrativePorter Aaron (1773- ) . . . NarrativePotter Charles ( - ) . . . NarrativePowers Chester M. (1863- ) . . . NarrativePralin Ira (1821-1856) . . . NarrativePratt Caleb ( -1847) . . . NarrativePressey Isaac ( - ) . . . NarrativePreston Alfred F. (1845- ) . . . NarrativePrice Charlotte Elizabeth (1847- ) . . . NarrativePride Samuel (1792- ) . . . NarrativePriest ( - ) . . . NarrativePrince William Monroe ( - ) . . . NarrativePrior Catherine (1832-1901) . . . NarrativePritzel Kate (1841-1931) . . . NarrativeProctor Lavonia (1805- ) . . . NarrativeProuty Charles E. (1847- ) . . . NarrativePudor Christian C. (1852- ) . . . NarrativePulver Charles A. (1832-1906) . . . NarrativePurdy Lulu Ann ( - ) . . . NarrativePurple Harlow Martin (1805-1840) . . . NarrativePurvis Joseph (1860- ) . . . NarrativePushee Charles A. (1846-1847) . . . NarrativePutnam Eunice ( - ) . . . NarrativePyne Leonard (1901-1984) . . . NarrativeQuimby ( - ) . . . NarrativeRackliffe Abigail H. (1846-1891) . . . NarrativeRambo Katherine Marie (1888-1949) . . . NarrativeRand Gilbert K. ( - ) . . . NarrativeRandall Charles (1864- ) . . . NarrativeRankin Alfred James (1915-1993) . . . NarrativeRanous Helen Theresa ( - ) . . . NarrativeRatz Emma August ( - ) . . . NarrativeRaymond Rev. Robert Raikes ( - ) . . . NarrativeReed Abigail (1709- ) . . . Narrative, NarrativeRennells Amanda ( - ) . . . NarrativeReppert Mabel (1878-1962) . . . NarrativeReynolds Anna Alma (1903- ) . . . NarrativeRhoades Ida (1882- ) . . . NarrativeRhoads Polly (1796-1816) . . . NarrativeRhodes Cora Margaret (1879- ) . . . NarrativeRiblet Michael (1779- ) . . . NarrativeRice Abbie Matilda (1853- ) . . . NarrativeRichards Addie Frances ( - ) . . . NarrativeRichardson Abigail (1742-1768) . . . NarrativeRichmond Jerub (1798-1878) . . . NarrativeRiddle Adrien A. (1831- ) . . . NarrativeRider Charles Atwell (1843-1850) . . . NarrativeRidgway Lizzie Shepherd ( - ) . . . NarrativeRiffle Martha Mahala (1832-1903) . . . NarrativeRings Sarah (1818-1858) . . . NarrativeRipley Julien Ashton Jr. (1908-1974) . . . NarrativeRisley Ella Sophia (1849- ) . . . NarrativeRoach Benjamin Rackliffe (1909- ) . . . NarrativeRobbins Christiana (1824- ) . . . NarrativeRoberts Evan Griffiths (1824- ) . . . NarrativeRobertson Jemima (1872- ) . . . NarrativeRobie Mary (1801-1889) . . . NarrativeRobinson Alfred A. ( - ) . . . NarrativeRockwell Celia (1853- ) . . . NarrativeRoddan Margaret (1831-1893) . . . NarrativeRodick Minna Belle (1881-1917) . . . NarrativeRogers Attie ( - ) . . . NarrativeRolfe Abial (1823- ) . . . NarrativeRollins Austin ( - ) . . . NarrativeRollo Abigail (1726-1784) . . . NarrativeRood Charles Dexter (1842- ) . . . Narrative |
Copyright © 2005, 2024 by Eugene Allen Walker. All rights reserved.